Tuesday, September 9, 2008


There are many places you could go for inspiration. I'm kind of new to beading so I went to the library and found some books there. What's great about it is I can keep the book for three weeks, take it back out on-line if I'm not through and if I like the book then I can go out and buy it. Other inspirational sites are: Exclusiveimageonline.com(fine art prints to inspire you), Jo-Ann Fabrics, Fire Mountain Gems, Bead and Button, and Creative home Arts club. These are just a few places to go to. Please let me know of any sites you use for shopping or inspiration.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

I love this site for inspiration... www.wolkenkoenigin.blogspot.com.
I'm always dreaming about what kind of craft I would do if I had the time. Sylvia just does it, whether she has the time or not. It's super inspiring!